From the Podium
Tamara L Mitchell, SFO
Chief Financial Officer
Evanston-Skokie CCSD 65
The Passionate Pursuit for Sustainability
Sustainability has become interwoven into our daily lives. Practices once considered uncommon are now considered normal. What began with simple actions, like placing recyclables in blue bins, has evolved into more intentional efforts to positively impact our world. In a conversation with my colleague, I discussed how my favorite coffee brand transitioned from Styrofoam to paper cups — an impactful change that took place a couple of years ago. Consider how, when you dine out, you might ask for a straw and receive an eco-friendly alternative to plastic. Recall your drive to work this morning. How many electric vehicles did you see on the road? As an electric vehicle owner for the past several months, I’m thrilled to be part of this movement and couldn’t be happier.
The concept of sustainability has expanded far beyond environmentalism; it has become a vital practice for long-term success and resilience. For school districts, embracing sustainability isn’t just reducing costs or conserving energy. It’s about creating healthier learning environments, fostering innovation, cultivating a passion for sustainability in students and ensuring the resources we use today will be available for future generations. By aligning sustainability with a passion for student success, districts can not only positively impact their financial outcomes and transform their facilities but also the educational experiences they provide.
The contributors to this edition of UPDATE share how purpose-driven sustainability efforts can inspire change and lay the groundwork for an increasingly sustainable future. You’ll enjoy articles discussing long-term facility planning that introduces sustainability efforts like harnessing geothermal energy, innovative biophilic design and electric vehicle charging stations. Each topic showcases how school districts are integrating sustainability into their mission to educate and empower, while fostering a passion for sustainability among students. This isn’t just about preserving resources but about aligning sustainability with a district’s core purpose: preparing students for a future that demands creativity, resilience and stewardship.
Sustainability is not a destination — it’s a journey fueled by purpose and passion. As you explore the articles in this publication, we encourage you to find your district’s path forward. Find ideas rooted in sustainability to spark positive change that resonates with students, staff and the wider community. Together, we can transform our schools into beacons of sustainability, creating a future where purpose and passion shape every decision. It is my hope that as you read these articles, you will be inspired to pursue sustainability with passion and to create meaningful change.