Who We Are

The Illinois School Nutrition Association (ILSNA) is a state affiliate of  the School Nutrition Association (SNA), an organization of over 50,000 school nutrition professionals. Membership in ILSNA/SNA offers a variety of benefits to help you meet the challenges within the ever changing profession of school nutrition.

Our Core Values

  • To ensure quality meal services in Illinois schools
  • To create life-long learning labs through:
    • School food service areas promoting healthy nutrition and nutrition education
    • Increasing overall awareness that quality nutrition in school meals and academic achievement go hand in hand
  • To develop professional development opportunities for all school food service professionals throughout Illinois
  • To help school food service professionals in Illinois gain knowledge and skills to provide quality food service in all Illinois schools
  • To serve as a professional network of support for our members, including sharing of member only resources through our secure website
  • To distribute regulatory, legislative, industry and other pertinent professional information to members in a timely manner
    • Including but not limited to: regulations, rules, proposed legislation and training opportunities

Interested in becoming a member?

Interested in becoming an industry partner?