Board of Directors

The Illinois Association of School Business Officials is devoted to the school business management profession. Our mission is to provide our members and stakeholders with a comprehensive range of professional development activities, services and advocacy through networking and participation.

The Board of Directors guide the Association and ensures continued relevance to the school business profession. They represent the voice of the membership and keep members informed of key initiatives and issues.

Illinois ASBO Become A Leader

Applications Are Now Closed

Serving on the Board is the ultimate leadership opportunity within Illinois ASBO. Applications are now closed for the upcoming term.

ask the board

Have a question for the Board of Directors?

Do you have a question or concern that you wish to ask the Illinois ASBO Board of Directors? If so, simply complete the online form and your item will be discussed by the Board of Directors at their next board meeting.

After the board meeting, Executive Director Dr. Kris Monn will respond with the Board of Directors response to your inquiry.

It's that easy!


Upcoming Board Meetings

Learn More About the Board of Directors

Current Board

See an updated list of Board Members, and get in touch to give your input on the Association and the profession.

meet the board

Strategic Plan & Goals

Part of the ongoing role of the Board is to work on the strategic plan for the Association.

strategic plan

Committees & Special Assignments

As part of Board service, each Director takes part in committee work and acts as a liaison to other committees within the Association.

board assignments

Liaison Assignments
- PDC & Regional

Find out who your board liaison is for your PDC or Regional Organization.

board liaisons

Agendas & Minutes

See what topics the board is discussing and approved minutes from their meetings.

meeting minutes

Policy Manual

See what policies and procedures guide the daily operations of Illinois ASBO.

view the policy manual