Bookkeepers Conference

This one-day conference is designed specifically for bookkeepers and administrative office staff. Choose from intermediate and advanced payroll and non-payroll topics to get the most out of your professional development.

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Mark your calendar, March 14, 2025 is the next Bookkeepers Conference at the Meridian Banquets & Conference Center, Rolling Meadows. 

This one-day conference is designed specifically for bookkeepers and administrative office professionals. Choose from payroll and non-payroll topics to get the most out of your professional development.

More Professional Development


Event Calendar

Access the listing of all of Illinois ASBO’s professional development offerings.


Lunch & Learn Webinars

Learn more about Illinois ASBO’s online professional development series.


Leadership Center

Learn about this unique opportunity for members and their districts to invest in professional growth.



Take advantage of a customized learning opportunity for Support Professionals! Join the Support Professionals Program and earn a certificate to bring back to your school district! 

  • Let your supervisor know how the program will benefit the district.
  • Download and review the Support Professionals Program details.
  • Register for upcoming events.

Take advantage of this opportunity today!