Make an Indispensable Investment

The management of district resources goes way beyond the budget – every decision made not only impacts the bottom line but also impacts what funds can go into the classroom.

A trained school business professional can help guide you through the complex decisions that will impact students both in the short and long term. Having this dedicated expert on your team more than pays for itself each year through sound financial management practices. See more on the ROI of an SBO.

Illinois ASBO has resources to get you started in the hiring process, make sure your school business official is set up for success as well as provide ongoing support to your administrative team! 


Resources for Recruitment, Retention & Training

Why Hire a School Business Official?

School business officials bring more than just financial expertise to a school district  — they are a valuable resources to your leadership team.

Learn More

SBO Recruitment & Selection 

Considering hiring but not sure where to start? This guide walks you through all the key steps in recruiting and hiring a qualified school business professional.

get Started

SBO Evaluation 

Since there is no mandated format for evaluation of school business officials, get ideas for how to guide a constructive evaluation process.


Interim Services

Looking for someone to come fill a temporary opening within the district? Illinois ASBO keeps an ongoing list of professionals open to interim positions. 

Learn More

Administrative Team Trainings 

Want to have an Administrator Academy delivered within your district? Illinois ASBO facilitators can come in and provide valuable leadership training.

see available trainings

Job Bank

Ready to hire? Post your open position on the Illinois ASBO Job Bank, a go-to resources for school business professionals seeking employment.

visit job bank

Testimonials from Illinois Superintendents

A school business official provides individual focus on finance and management issues which allows the Superintendent to devote time as the instructional and community leader of the district."

The school business official is critical to align financial resources to district goals."

A school business official is an invaluable management and leadership resource. They provide excellent fiscal management in the context of understanding and supporting the district’s priorities.”